VM Vision is the only software house that can boast the installation and management of
complete and functioning RFID systems in Italy for production and logistics.

What is the RFID System?

RFID, Radio Frequency IDentification is the technology that allows the recognition, identification and automatic remote storage of information through electromagnetic waves. The RFID system allows the storage of data on electronic labels, Tags or Transponders, and on their ability to transmit information and make it usable by fixed or portable devices called Readers.

What is the RFID system for?

To recognize, identify and store information about resources in the company.

What are the benefits of the RFID system?

  • Edit and update the information contained in the tags in real time, thus creating a historical memory of the object which can be traced throughout its life cycle.
  • Perform automatic data readings and writings, via radio waves that allow the detection of labels contained inside boxes, packages and pallets.
  • Read multiple tags at the same time, querying them individually to avoid overlaps.
  • Allow the reading of information at a distance and at high speed, to optimize the tracking process of objects, goods, animals and people.

Add to this

  • Instant product identification
  • Constant monitoring of production processes
  • Optimization of logistics
  • Simplification of inventory management
  • Distribution control
  • Reduction of working times
  • Reduction of data transcription errors
  • Increase in product and service quality

The elements of the RFID system


RFID labels are made up of:

  • a microchip that contains data in a memory
  • an antenna
  • a physical support, which surrounds the chip and the antenna, called “substrate” and which can be made of Mylar, plastic film (PET, PVC, other), paper or other materials.

Activated by an external device (fixed or portable) with which it establishes a dialogue via radio, the tag transmits its identification code and all the information it contains.


The antennas are managed by the reader, they generate a magnetic field that activates the tag, thus starting the radio communication.
The antennas, sometimes incorporated into the reader, can be linear or circular polarized, depending on the reading conditions, the orientation of the tags and the environment in which the RFID operates. They have different shapes and sizes based on the field they need to optimize and the distances they need to reach.
The greater the distances, the larger the size of the antennas.


The Reader is the component that performs the function of identifying, reading and writing RFID Tags and communicating their codes via the antennas.
The power of the Reader, together with the connected antenna, determines the reading distance of the tag, which is divided into 4 types:

  • Proximity (readings from 10 to 20-25 cm)
  • Vicinity (readings on a few tens of cm)
  • Mid-range (distance approximately 1m)
  • Long-range (distance of a few meters)


Networked information system with readers installed on local computer or server.
It processes and manages the data transfer coming from each reader and can be interfaced with the various company systems (ERP, MES, etc.).

How does the RFID system work?

VM Vision’s RFID technology

VM Vision creates software based on specific needs for the complete management of an RFID system.

VM Vision also:

  • guarantees pre- and post-installation consultancy on the choice of hardware and consumables, and online or on-site post-sales assistance on hardware;
  • distributes adhesive labels with built-in UHF tags, circular and linear polarization antennas of the best brands at absolutely competitive costs, latest generation readers specific for every type of use and all the hardware and consumable material for RFID technology;
  • is a Zebra Partner.



VM Vision creates and markets
integrated software and hardware for RFID technology
designed to satisfy every single need.